BatchLink Software

Order Entry, Dispatching Software with Reporting
BatchLink connects BatchTron I and II to the batch database on any PC computer. It archives all your batch data automatically, creates reports and gives you Order Entry and Dispatching software functions if you need them. Use it, customize it. Don’t be limited by other people’s ideas and ways; do it your way.
The dispatching software that’s simple and straightforward

BatchLink Order Entry and dispatching software upgrades your BatchTron batching controller into a flexible and powerful single plant Ready-Mix operation. It handles all your scheduling of orders, dispatching, truck management and inventory on a daily basis. It also gives you reports on all important activities. If you wish, it can also tie into your accounting software.
The BatchTron controller connects to your existing or new PC computer by a single cable up to 4000 ft. long, or by radio link if desired. You can operate everything from your PC computer. You can still use the BatchTron controller on its own, for the manual controls or to make fully automatic batches.

Enter your orders and delivery times. The dispatching software pulls your pre-entered customers and matches them to orders. It pulls your pre-entered trucks and gives you a batching queue every day. Select your loads from the drop-down menus. Initiate loads and batching starts automatically, creating delivery tickets for every load. Enter your material deliveries and the system deducts your usage to give on-hand inventory, in real time. Select usage, inventory or batch reports from a date range and display them on the screen. Printouts - no problem, just print. Need a different report? The built-in report formatter lets you set it all up yourself; no need to pay for customization
Minimize mistakes with water and admix prompting
As you enter the water amount for the mix design, it shows you the w/c ratio, assuming that the aggregates are SSD. This avoids problems later if your water amount was in error. You can enter moisture values manually or use any commercial moisture sensor. Our own AquaSense sensor has a 10 year guarantee, plus microwave accuracy. You can read more about moisture, SSD sensor calibration and aggregate absorption in our blog “Surface moisture or free moisture”.

For experienced operators without a sand moisture sensor, a special feature helps them by checking the water target for any mix design. In the image at left, the moistures for red rock, pea gravel and sand are 1.0%, 0.5% and 2.5%. Batch size is 9.5 cu. yd. and mix design 5 is selected.
If he believes that the water target is too high or low, by clicking “Yes” he can enter a new target based on his experience. The system will then recalculate the sand moisture, based on the entered water target and the existing stone target. Following this entry, he can continue by adjusting the sand moisture value.
Also for admixtures; as you enter the admix values it prompts you with the amount per 100 lb or kg of cement as comparison with the recommendations of the admixture manufacturer. Once you enter the units to be used – English or Metric, the system displays all values in these units. 2020 article “Batchlink, powerfully simple dispatching”.
The batch report includes total water in batch, including water in the aggregates, and water/cement ratio (w/c). This report is also customizable and you can add or delete any fields that you want.
The Reporting Software that lets you customize your reports

A scaled-down version of BatchLink dispatching software, BatchLink Reporting creates batch reports that no longer have to be printed on the spot. They are stored in the computer and can be printed when you want them. If you need a different report format - for instance, to print delivery tickets on your own pre-printed forms, just make a report format for the job. It's as easy as word processing. As you use BatchLink you will see new possibilities and create ideas. You can develop spreadsheets and reports to suit your particular needs. Sort records to find and print batches from a month or a year ago. Choose immediate report printing, end of day printing or storage on disk. At the end of day, check production totals, material usage and inventory ...